Where the first part is bloody and ruthless, the second one is tender and sore. The first part was more anger driven and brutal, whereas Kill Bill Vol. 2 is very different in tone and feeling than was Vol. The reason I'm saying this, is because Kill Bill Vol. 1, not only the fact that the film would then run 4 hours + if it had been shown in one piece, but more because showing both films in one run might come across somewhat odd. 2 deserves to be another film than Kill Bill Vol. Thurman and Tarantino admitted that the incident had caused a breach in trust which affected their working relationship for several years, but they reconciled afterwards and remain on good terms ever since. Years later, Tarantino finally gave her the footage and helped her come forward in the wake of multiple sexual assault charges against Weinstein (with Thurman also claiming to be one of his victims). She tried to obtain the footage as proof but Harvey Weinstein reportedly refused to release it unless she signed a document that would release the company from any liability. While driving the Karmann Ghia, there was an unexpected turn in the road causing Thurman to lose control of the car and crash it into a tree, leaving her with a concussion and damaged knees. However, since the scene was not considered to be a stunt and the stunt coordinator was not on-set that day, Quentin Tarantino persuaded her to shoot the scene herself. At the time, Thurman had voiced her reservations about filming a scene while driving a car over a straight dirt road and had requested a stunt performer. I want to do Hateful Eight onstage and I want to do Reservoir Dogs onstage.… I could see myself writing a novelization of Reservoir Dogs.In 2018, Uma Thurman posted footage online of a car accident that occurred in 2002 while filming this movie. “I hope to do two more books and a play, and then we’ll see what we are. Tarantino added that he plans to continue writing for various projects during his retirement. You don’t get to reject us! We’ll tell you when you’re done, you don’t tell us when you’re done!’ I don’t know what the next story is going to be. But it’s almost like…you’re not saying this, but way back, back, back behind what you’re saying,, ‘No motherfucker, we reject you. I don’t want it to be like, ‘Forget about the shit he’s doing now, back in the day….’” Rogan countered: “But you’re at the top of your game,” to which Tarantino shot back, “That’s the perfect time!” Rogan noted some directors get too complacent, but, “You’re not that guy.” Tarantino: “I don’t think I’m that guy, either. I want to retire before I lose to Leon Spinks and leave you wanting more.

It doesn’t mean they’re without worth, but it’s just not the excitement of when blah-blah-blah had a new movie or album coming out. “And then at a certain point, it’s not exciting or special anymore. “You all know actors, bands, singers, sports dudes that you loved and when they were doing something new, it was exciting and special,” Tarantino said. That said, Tarantino made it clear he doesn’t have another project coming anytime soon, and his next film would likely be a quieter drama. 3 could also be considered part of that same saga … which means it wouldn’t count as his separate final film. As he made clear yet again during the Rogan interview, the director counts Kill Bill 1 and 2 as one film. But a potential Kill Bill sequel could provide a loophole, if he should want one, that could give fans two more movies. Speaking of which, Tarantino has made it clear he’s going to retire after making his 10th film, which is widely assumed to mean he’s going to make just one more. But the scene did not explicitly show her death, thus leaving an opening for a sequel. The scene strongly suggested the character perished and many fans have long assumed she did.

But in the film, Driver was left blinded and flailing about in a trailer as the deadly black mamba snake closes in. In Tarantino’s original Kill Bill script, Driver was explicitly killed off and the Bride watched her die. The director also confirmed, as he has previously, that Hannah’s character “is still out there.”